Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yay, snow!

The snow apparently started around 4 AM and it's not expected to stop until sometime tonight.  We're up to about a foot of snow and it's only 1:30 in the afternoon.  The way I look at it, there's NO WAY I could possibly have to go to work on Monday; the temperatures aren't going to get warm enough to melt all this between now and then.  This brings me to my first 'good thing' for today...

  • Yay for prospective time off!
  • After not seeing him since Tuesday, it's nice to have some time at home with my husband.
  • We're burning a fire in our fireplace for the first time.  And actually, now that I think about it, this is the first fire that I've burned by myself.  It's nice to look at and certainly makes our living room feel more cozy.  
  • I'm going to bake a cookie pie in a little while.  It'll help keep the house feeling warm, and it'll be really yummy!  Mmm!

Friday, January 29, 2010


I know my goal is to list three good things about each day, but I think today's list may end up being a little longer.  It's truly been a good day.  =)

  • Two of my more challenging classes had great lessons today.  They're "chatty Kathys," which can be frustrating when you're trying to teach them, but everybody had fun while learning something.
  • It's supposed to snow tonight, so that brings all sorts of good things!  I stocked up on the essentials... beer, chips, cookie dough, haha.  No, that isn't everything I got... just the things that make snow storms more fun.  
  • Along with the possibility of snow comes the possibility of getting the day off of work -- woohoo!  Although it wouldn't be atypical to get off from school for an inch of snow in my area (They're calling for 6 to 10 inches!  But that would have to last us all weekend to get off Monday.), our new superintendent is a New Jersey native so I'm not sure how that will affect the ruling.
  • There was an awesome lunch buffet at work today!  Once a month the staff take turns hosting a lunch or dessert buffet.  Today's lunch was a fabulous spread of salad veggies, a baked potato bar, chili, soup... AND dessert (cheese cake, brownies, all sorts of cookes, etc.)  MMM, so good!  
  • I got my hair cut yesterday, so it was nice to hear compliments all day.  

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Brand New Me

I have recently come to the realization that I cannot control other people, but only myself.  To an extent, I knew this before... but in certain areas of my life, I was relying on other things to make me happy.  Now I'm focusing more on improving myself and doing things to make me all-around happier and a better person. 

As a part of this renovation, I am adopting a more positive way of thinking.  I know that it's so easy to get caught up with the negative things that happen in our lives, that we forget to notice the good.  For this reason, I've given myself the goal of journaling three good things about each day.  Today, my list is a little longer because I'm choosing to include yesterday's 'good things' in this post.

  • I love that young children have no inhibition and can sing louder than everyone else (without getting to the point where it's obnoxious) and not care what other people think.
  • It was so great to play a nice, long, volleyball variation with coworkers after hours.  Not only was it a good calorie burner, but it was fun, relaxing, and good company.
  • It's a great feeling when you look in the mirror for the first time after a new, cute haircut.
  • I gained confidence when I came up with a plan to overcome an obstacle that was thrown at me at work.  
  • There's snow in the forecast, so I may be getting some time off from work!
  • Story time!  I had a student, a first grader, come into my classroom with his hand raised before he even made it to his seat.  When I called on him, he said, "Today is the luckiest day ever!  I found a dime in my backpack!!"  I asked him what he was going to do with his dime and he proceeded to tell me he was going to spend it.  "What are you going to spend it on?  A dime isn't a lot of money.  You can't even buy a phone call, or a snack from the snack machine," I said.  So then he told me he was going to go home and put it in his piggy bank.  "My mom wants to buy a car," he said.  So sweet!